Thursday 13 April 2017


So folks, in Trinidad around Christmas time this drink is what you will find in everyone's home. It is actually quite appropriate given that the color of Christmas revolves around red. I am talking about "Sorrel" people yes Sorrel. You can make this drink with or without rum, this recipe includes the rum.So tasty!!!


8 oz          Dried sorrel (cleaned)
2-3           Cinnamon sticks
12            Whole cloves
1 1/2 c      Sugar
1 pc          Dried or fresh orange peel
1/4 c         White Oak rum
1/2 tsp      Ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp      Ground clove


In a pot, bring 10 cups of water to a boil then add the sorrel, cinnamon stick, whole cloves and orange peel and stir continuously while the mixture boils for one minute. Cool and cover overnight. Strain the liquid through a fine sieve into a glass jar. Add the sugar and the rum. Taste for strength and sweetness. If it is too potent, add water or if too tart add more sugar and refrigerate.


  1. This is a must try!!!

    Thank you

  2. Sorrel to the WORLD lol, it's a must drink for Christmas and even now in April
