Friday 21 April 2017

Trini Ginger Beer

Another exotic drink from our beautiful Island Trinidad is Ginger Beer.  It’s not like traditional beer as the fermentation period is about one day to one week depending on how strong you like it. It's a very refreshing drink. So here goes!


1 lb green ginger
10 cups cold water
1 lime
2 cloves


Wash, peel and grate ginger. Peel and juice lime; keep the rind. Mix ginger, water, cloves, lime juice and the rind. Pour this mixture into clean glass bottles and leave to ferment for about one day, preferably in the sun. More time = stronger drink. Strain the ginger beer and sweeten to taste with cane sugar. Refrigerate until ready to use. Serving place crushed ice in glass (not plastic!) and served chilled!


  1. While I am not a lover of ginger or ginger beer, I must admit the smell is heavenly. Thanks for the recipe, maybe I can get my mom to make it for the scent LOL!!!!

  2. While I'm not a fan of ginger, I wouldn't mind trying it
