Wednesday 12 April 2017


Hey guys, sorry for the long break but I'm back and today's post is all about making callaloo!! Some folks like to add salted meat or crab to their callaloo but today we are doing the vegetarian version, so you can edit this recipe to your liking. Additionally I like to use freshly made coconut milk but I know for convenience nowadays everything is pre-made so using the prepacked coconut milk is fine.


1       Bundle dasheen bush leaves (cut up)
5-6    Ochro (cut into 1 inch pieces)
Pc     Pumpkin (cut up)
1       Head garlic (crushed)
4       Leaves Thyme (chopped finely)
4       Leaves shadow benni (chopped finely)
2       Pimentos (cut up)
1      Scotch bonnet pepper
1 pk  Coconut Milk or freshly blended coconut milk
         Golden Ray


Place all ingredients except golden ray and coconut milk into pot of boiling water.

Bring to boil, then add coconut milk and boil. Add scotch bonnet pepper and cover pot.

After about 30 mins, either using a swizzle stick or electric hand held blender, swizzle callaloo until desired. I don't like how pureed the callaloo gets with the hand blender so I use a swizzle stick.

 Add golden ray and stir, taste for salt and we're all done. Serve with rice or macaroni pie and your favorite meat.


  1. As much as i love Callaloo, i'll only eat it from my mother and no one else but Callaloo is a staple when it comes to Trini food
